Awrad Blue Book Nashk Script


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Softcover, pocket size awrad book of the tariqa Shadhili of Imam Abul Hasan al Shadhili.

pocket size paperbound cover
Nashk hand written Arabic-only calligraphy
black print

The litanies of the tariqa in this book are:

Al Muqaddima - Sanad al Tariq - Wird al 'amm - Hizb al Bahr - Hizb al Kabir -  Hizb al Nur - Da'awat al Shaykh Abul Hasan - Al Wadhifa - Hizb al Nasr -  al Latafiya -  Usul al Tariqa -  Hal Ahl Allah - Qasdia li al 'Arif al Shagouri

About Naskh Script:

Naskh script is considered as an element of decoration and gained much attention in Iraq in the Abbasid era. It was developed in the Atabiki age, which started around AH 545, and was known as the Atabiki Naskh. It was used in the writing of the Qur'an in the Islamic middle ages and it replaced the Kufi script for copying the Qur'an and decorating the walls of the mosques. Both Naskh and Thuluth became the most prevalent scripts. Naskh can be differentiated from Thuluth by the small size of its letters. The size and sequence mean the writer can use the pen more swiftly than when writing the Thuluth, but still retain harmony and beauty.