The Foundations of Islam
This book by the author of ash-Shifa is a handbook laid
out in five sections corresponding to the five pillars, and laid out
with the simplicity of a basic technical manual. For each pillar the
Fard, Sunna, Superogatory, Liked, Disliked and Prohibited are concisely
listed, with special page markings for easy reference and study. This
book is useful for new and old Muslims but also for refreshing the
knowledge of the basics of even the most learned scholars.
Qadi Iyad (476 – 544 AH/1083 – 1149 CE)
Abu’l-Qadl Iyad ibn Musa ibn Iyad al-Yahsubi, Qadi of Ceuta during
the time of the Murabitun. He travelled to Andalus to study and in
Cordoba he learnt from such luminaries as Ibn Rushd, the grandfather of
the Qadi and philosopher of the same name. Iyad was already accepted in
scholarly circles when he was eighteen and was appointed qadi when he
was 35 becoming first the qadi of Ceuta in 515 AH/ 1121 CE and later
Granada in Spain in 531 AH/ 1136 CE. He was exemplary in his knowledge
of the sciences of hadith from which ocean he drew his astonishing work
ash-Shifa. He also wrote the Tartib al-Madarik on the
luminaries of the school of Madina. He opposed Ibn Tumart’s claim to be
the Mahdi and was exiled to Marrakech where he was murdered.