Albani and his friends is a concise guide and critique to the modern day salafi movement. It is one of the most detailed and well researched books discussing the Salafi movement and their many aberrations to date. The book is ordered alphabetically dealing with more than a dozen high ranking Salafi scholars. It begins with an excellent discussion of the classical term salaf and salafi by the Syrian jurist and theologian Dr. Muhammad Sa'id Ramadan al-Buti (taken from his book Non-Madhabism is the gravest Innovation threatening Islamic Law). The book discusses amongst others the following topics:
The Classical understanding of the term Salaf and Salafi
A Concise guide to famous Salafi scholars and their aberrations
The Attributes of Allah
Issues connected to the Prophet (peace be upon him)
Doctrinal issues
Legal issues and salafi misinterpretations
Ambiguous verses in the Quran