Muhammad صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم The Perfect Man


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  • Author: Sayyid Muhammad ibn Alawi al-Maliki
  • ISBN: 9781909460003

Muhammad (SAW) the Perfect Man (HB)
by Sayyid Muhammad ibn Alawi al-Maliki
Translated by Khalid Williams
Foreword by Dr Mostafa Badawi

First English Translation of Muhammad; al-Insan al-Kamil. 

GMT Friday 25th January 2013

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This book,considered one of the best about the sublime nature of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, comes at an important time when from an Islamic point of view – the prevailing secular consumerism in the West has given birth to an immorality – where even the elect of Allah’s creation – the Prophets and Messengers, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon them, are not safe from being openly mocked or their lives ridiculed. In the East despotic rulers, the lack of leadership, external interference and sectarian division has opened up chasms of angst.

It is in this atmosphere that this phenomenal book ‘Muhammad the Perfect Man’ written by the leading Islamic scholar of recent times –Sayyid Muhammad ibn Alawi al-Maliki al-Hasani, is presented to the general readership in English for the first time.

The book ranks among the most important works of the author who writes with great erudition and love about the perfection of the last of the Messengers, Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him, sourcing every point from Islamic sources. The book starts with the perfection of the noble lineage of the Prophet, followed by the perfection of his physical form and discusses in detail the perfection of the Muhammadan heart. In the 300 pages that follow the Perfection of the Prophetic attributes are listed in detail - ranging from the perfection of the Prophetic knowledge, justice, mercy, humility, leadership, courage, generosity, patience, loyalty, wisdom, oratory and forbearance to name but just a few. The author contends from a traditional Islamic point of view that the message of Islam can only be perfect if the bringer of that message is himself perfect.The author catalogues the Prophetic Perfections in great detail and provides scriptural evidence with meticulous scholarly authority.

It serves as a timely reminder to the characteristics of the greatest human being that ever lived, and presents an insight into the noble Prophetic way, the behavioural code of conduct – the Sunna – of the Perfect Man, that he, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, left behind for all peoples for all times.

The book is further augmented by Khalid Williams’ lucid and exemplary translation adding depth, breadth, clarity and making this within easy reach of the English speaking world.

The book is a modern day classic in the Arabic language – with it’s translation it is set to becomes the same in English.