bout The Book
A sequel to The Makkan Crucible and Hijra, it studies the life of the Prophet in Madinah from a new perspective, highlighting the nature and characteristics of the society and the state the Prophet was able to establish.
"Bashier has treated his topics not simply as a historian but as a student who wants to discover the relevance of the life and teaching of the Prophet for the modern age …Recommended as a text for courses in Islamic history…and Near Eastern and religious studies…" Anis Ahmad, Religious Studies Review
"The outstanding feature of the book is that the author looks at the life of the Prophet through the prism of the Qur’an keeping in mind contemporary problems of Muslim society." M.I.H.I. Surty, Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations.
About The Author
DR. ZAKARIA BASHIER was born in the Sudan (1940) and educated at the Universities of Khartoum, Durham (UK) and Pittsburgh (USA). He was appointed a lecturer at Khartoum University in 1973. He served at King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah, as Assistant Professor of Islamic Studies and the Islamic Foundation as senior Research Fellow. In 1982 he was elected to the parliament of the Sudan, and subsequently appointed as a State Minister, and Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee for Higher Education and Scientific Research. At present he is teaching at the University of Al-Ain, UAE.
His publications include: The Islamic Path to Social Change (Arabic), Jeddah, 1977; The Hijra, Story and Significance, Leicester, 1983; Philosophical Aspects of Ibn Khaldun's Prolegomena (Arabic), Khartoum, 1985; Al-Ghazali on the Qur'anic Philosophy (Arabic), Al-Ain (UAE), 1989; The Methodology of Jabir ibn Hayydn (Arabic), Al-Ain (UAE), 1989; Sunshine at Madinah, Leicester, 1990.
THE ISLAMIC FOUNDATION is an educational and research organization devoted to making Islam a living reality in our age. For this purpose, it aims to improve human communication and develop a better understanding of Islam among all people of the world, Muslim and non-Muslim, so as to galvanize man to the message and ideal of One God and the unity of mankind, as brought by all the Prophets of God throughout the ages, last of whom was the Prophet Muhammad (blessings of Allah and peace be on him). The Foundation has research units in Islamic Economics, Christian-Muslim Relations, Muslim Central Asia and Literature for Children. Its regular publications include Muslim World Book Review (quarterly), Index of Islamic Literature (quarterly), Soviet Muslims Brief (two-monthly) and FOCUS on Christian-Muslim Relations (monthly).