Beloved Wives of the Sublime Messenger (SAW)


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  • Author: Shaykh Muhammad Imdad Hussain Pirzada
  • ISBN: 9780956938831

BELOVED WIVES OF THE SUBLIME MESSENGER is a concise yet meaningful discourse concerning the wives of Prophet Muhammad (saw). The book gives a clear insight into the lives and circumstances of his beloved wives providing the context and benefits of each marriage of the holy Prophet (saw) as well as discussing the issue of the number of pure wives and refuting specific allegations made against the holy Prophet (saw) or any one of his beloved wives. To the point and well referenced, the book provides a valuable and essential insight to the holy Prophet’s domestic life.
SHAYKH MUHAMMAD IMDAD HUSSAIN PIRZADA is an established scholar, teacher, orator, educator and author of numerous works. Due to his training in Islamic intellectual and spiritual traditions, his understanding of contemporary norms and his practical proficiency concerning the affairs of the British Muslim community, he is distinctively qualified as a voice of reason and wisdom supplemented with simplicity in expression.
Shaykh Pirzada is gifted with the ability to adjust his academic and intellectual expression to the level of his audience. He conveys complex theological ideas and complicated issues in a comprehensive manner readily accessible to the common person but also beneficial to the scholar alike. As such, he is a meaningful and accessible public intellectual.
Shaykh Pirzada is the founder and principal of the educational establishment of Jamia Al-Karam, Eaton Hall, Retford in Nottinghamshire, England; which comprises of the Al-Karam Secondary Boarding School, the Al-Karam Institute of Islamic Sciences and the Al-Karam Islamic Studies College for Girls. He is also the founder and president of Muslim Charity; helping the needy worldwide.