The Muwatta of Imam Muhammad


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  • Author: Imam Muhammad al-Shaybani (RA)
  • ISBN: 9780954738006

The Hadith are in Arabic with English Translation
By Imam Muhammad ibn al-Hasan ash-Shaybani
Translated by Mohammed Abdurahman, Abdassamad Clark and Dr Asadullah Yate
(The science of (Jarah) Invalidation and Authentication (Tadil).
Editors Mufti Zubair Ismail Bayat, Uthman Ibrahim Morrisson and Sister Safira Batha.
Paperback 624 Pages PLUS: A Comprehensive INDEX.
Published by Turath Publishing UK

The Muwatta of Imam Muhammad Ash-Shaybani

The "Muwatta" needs no introduction as one of the most outstanding and authentic works of Hadith in Islam. It covers all aspects of Islam - Taharah, Salaah, Zakaah, Hajj, Marriage, Divorce, Trade, Crime & Justice, Vows, Inheritance and so forth.

Besides the complete Arabic text and English translation, the book also comprises of the following:
"Introduction to the Science of Hadith"
"Introduction to the Muwatta"
"Introduction to the Science of Hadith Authentication"
"Biography of every Narrator of the Muwatta"
A whole section is dedicated to Rijal narrators of the Muwatta of Imam Muhammad ibn al-Hasan ash-Shaybani by Shaykh 'Abd al-Hayy al-Luknawi
This book is the Shaykh's distillation of the strengths and weaknesses of all of the narrators of the Muwatta, both the Madinan narrators of Imam Malik and the Kufan and other narrators of Imam Muhammad. It a part of the Muwatta of Imam Muhammad also available as a separate Book

"The Muwatta of Muhammad"  By Imam Muhammad ibn al-Hasan ash-Shaybani  being the transmission of  the Muwatta of Imam Malik. This narration of the Muwatta of Imam Malik differs from most of the other transmissions in a number of respects:

- that it is not from a Maliki but from one of the two main imams of the Hanafi madhhab;
- although Imam Muhammad does not include Imam Malik's accounts of the 'amal of Madinah, and Malik's own judgements and explanations of different points of fiqh from the Madinan point of view, in their place he substitutes his own judgements and the judgements of Abu Hanifah, may Allah show him mercy, but nevertheless sometimes opting for the position of Malik where it is based on a stronger hadith. In this respect, although the book is not the final word on Hanafi fiqh it is a fascinating glimpse of the crystallisation of the Hanafi madhhab in a very early stage.
- most interestingly, it contains an amount of ahadith from Malik himself that the Muwatta narrated by Yahya ibn Yahya does not contain, most notably the hadith "Actions are only by intentions".