The Refutation Of Him [Ibn Taymiyya] Who Attributes Direction To Allah - Al Raddu Ala Man Qala Bil Jiha by Ibn Jahbal Al Kilabi Introduction: Shaykh Wahbi Sulayman Ghawji Translation and Notes By Gibril Fouad Haddad
This short theological tract, Fi Nafi al-Jiha, or On Denying Direction to God, by the Ashari theologian and celebrated Shafi'i jurist, Qadi Ibn Jahbal (d. 733/1333), is a clinical rebuttal of the controversial fatwa, the Aqida Hamawiyya, penned by his legendary contemporary, Ibn Taymiyya (d. 728/1328). It is considered, rightly, a classic manifesto of anti-literalism, which will be an indispensable reference for advanced students of Islamic theology, other professional theologians, and modern academics needing primary source materials in English or a source book on the controversies surrounding Ibn Taymiyya's theology.
This same work embodies, moreover, a contemporary exercise in polemic representing the longstanding views in the conformist tradition of Muslim theology, whether via ta'wil or tafwid, and whether in the schools of the Ash'aris, Maturidis or Hanbalis. In particular, it pits itself against one of the two opposite non-conformist readings of the Quran and Sunna; and in general, it highlights the pitfalls of a literalistic mindset which plagues all scripturally-based religions.